Your Own Business & Legal Consultant. On Call.
After more than 20 years defending optometry and optometrists, there is, perhaps, no person in the United States that knows more about optometric law, or has more real-world, hands-on experience assisting and defending optometrists, both inside and outside of the courtroom, than Craig Steinberg, O.D., J.D.
MyOptometryLawyer’s Services
In a program never before offered in optometry, Dr. Steinberg is accepting up to 300 optometrists – and only 300 – as his Concierge Clients. Dr. Steinberg will provide his Concierge Clients with low cost pre-paid priority-access consulting and personalized services for a wide variety of business and legal matters, including VSP compliance reviews designed to help prevent you from being audited or suffering a bad outcome if you are audited, and even a full legal defense if you are audited by VSP. California optometrists can add State Board compliance consulting and full legal defense of State Board of Optometry inquiries, citations and accusations.
Have a question about whether you can fire an employee? Want to know how to handle a divorced parent that insists on knowing the results of an examination? Think there may have been a HIPAA violation and you’re not sure what to do? Discover that an employee has not been billing VSP correctly and you want to avoid being terminated from VSP’s panel? These are just a few of the many vexing questions optometrists find themselves having to address almost daily. Dr. Steinberg has dealt with all of them and will use his experience and expertise to help guide you through these landmines and many more.
And now there is COVID-19 and all the legal complexities of the CARES Act, PPL loans, EIDL loans, the Families First Act, and more. Dr. Steinberg keeps abreast with the latest legal and Congressional information and passes on to his concierge clients what it all means and what the (ever changing) rules are. Become a concierge client and you’ll have immediate access to Dr. Steinberg’s expertise and advice on dealing with the myriad new and challenging issues COVID-19 has thrust upon all of us — including dealing with both patients and employees.